Welcome to the Road Ethics Project (REP)
Since 2019, we have sparked conversations to change minds and shift behaviour on the roads, to help save lives and prevent life-changing injuries.
A road ethicist asks,
“How should we use the
road traffic system together?”
accidents in 2021
% of road deaths
attributed to alcohol use
speed infringements in 2021
% Male
people involved in fatal accidents
Who We Are
History of the Project
REP began in 2019 after co-founder Dr Lee Randall completed her PhD research into the bioethics of Johannesburg minibus crashes. Her key finding was that minibus taxi drivers are an indicator species - like a canary in a coalmine - revealing the crashogenic nature of the South African road traffic system. Although many people blame taxi drivers, the ethical responsibility for tackling minibus taxi crashes is shared among many roleplayers.